Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Join the Falange!

Do you love statues of Francisco Franco?

Do you dislike the flag of the Second Spanish Republic?

Do you hate Pedro Almodóvar?

Do you abhor Catalunya?

Do you hate people who come to Spain in boats?

Are you tired of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and the peace process with ETA?

Join the Falange!

Both of the Banco de Santander branches on Goya street had these posters pasted all over their windows. The posters are for the semi-fascist Falange party, which apparently still has a healthy membership in Spain. Founded by José Antonio Primo de Rivera in 1933, the Falange was the only official political organization allowed to exist during Franco's regime.

In the photo above, you can see a nice photo-montage of the different things that falangists don't like (clockwise from the upper left, the pictures correspond to the various questions we introduced above).

But why Santander? Sure, Santander is the capital of the autonomous region of Cantabria in northern Spain, but why post all these posters on the windows of the Banco de Santander? We do know that Santander is the only major city in Spain that still has a statue of the lil' dictator in their main public square, but this seems like a strange marketing campaign, doesn't it?

We at amagomundi think that the Falange's invitation would have been much more enticing if they had used positive imagery rather than negative imagery. For example:

Do you love long walks on the beach?

Do you love pastries and pork products?

Do you have a hankering for a beer right about now?

Tired of hatin'?

Join the Falange!

Franco's statue in Santander. Enjoy it while it lasts...

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