Monday, March 23, 2009

Nighttime Routine

Nighttime Routine, originally uploaded by AmagoMundi.

B is reading to himself, complete with animal sound effects. A is researching school web design, complete with animal sound effects.


Neko said...

You guys are so cute!

Kathleen said...

ack a new layout! I don't respond well to change! but it looks cool! Change is good!

also - love that belly! How have you been feeling?

Amy Keenan Amago said...

Feeling great! Large and in charge. How are you feeling, my dear? You are so close! Wahooo!

reddogeric said...

urnarade, word verification required to post. Use in a sentence. It smelled of asparagus as I participated in the urnarade. Ciao Amagos.