Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Here's to Even-toed Ungulates

For as long as we can remember, the Desert Bighorn has been our favorite even-toed ungulate. All too predictably, the elk and the mule deer are tied for a close second. But the elk and the deer will never surpass the elegance and savoir faire of the Desert Bighorn, that prince of ungulates and king among artiodactyla.

When it comes to the rodentia family, we must certainly favor the northern pocket gopher. What a splendid rodent he is, indeed. His glory is only rivaled by the Chisel-toothed Kangaroo Rat who enjoys his proud sovereignty over sandy areas in lower elevations.

My greatest regret was stepping inadvertantly on a golden-mantled ground squirrel in the late summer of 2000. His regal coat glistened in the sun as he breathed his last little breaths. I wept for him and his brethren who no doubt yearned for him on that fateful afternoon. This blog is dedicated to Nervous Jervis and all golden-mantled ground squirrels who have been squashed accidentally by careless unpredicable humans.

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