Monday, July 21, 2008

Turning One is Rad!!

In addition to learning how to walk, Benny Ray reached another important baby milestone this week: He successfully reached one year of age. This momentous occasion was celebrated at Tia Loli's house in Majadahonda, outside of Madrid. Primos Juan and Celia were there, as were tias Elena, Rafa and Lola. Floppy the Cat also made begrudging appearances now and then to the birthday boy's delight. Every time Ben saw Floppy he would utter his version of "cat" which is "at". He's still working on that hard "c" sound.

Here the paparazzi encourage Ben to smile and look in their direction so they can capture that million euro photo for the weekly celebrity mag, "Hola."
(From left to right, Lola, Celia, Rafa, Elena)

As expected, Benjamin didn't care to sport the birthday hat his mother made for him.

Here Ben prepares to eat some delicious chocolate cake while we who are off camera prepare to drink champagne in his honor.
 (Ben is laughing at Tia Elena's comedic antics.)

Benjamin enjoyed his tarta de chocolate to the max. Being one has its privileges.

Benny and the birthday frog.

Everyone seemed to relish the spoiling of this child.
 (Note the "Gilmore Girls" DVD in there among the presents. 
This was not one of Ben's birthday gifts. Maybe next year.)


Brian said...

Wahooty! Happy birthday, Benny Ray!

Dr. A said...

Dear Benny Ray,
Happy first birthday! I loves me some older men. Especially those who can get around on two feet.
Way to go eating your cake with gusto! Live it up, little man!
Love, Erin B

Kathleen said...

Happy birthday Benny!!