Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Pee Pee Head

Mama A's been sick the past few days. As is the case with fevers, she alternated between shivering chills when the fever was high and then massive, pouring sweats when the fever broke. This cycle carried on for a couple days. Today Mama A decided she felt well enough to take a long, hot shower. Deeeeelightful. Relishing in her newly cleaned, fresh self and feeling somewhat more energetic, Mama A creeps into Baby J's room post nap. As is custom, Baby J squeals with delight, Mama A squeals back, much squealing ensues and then Mama A begins one of her favorite baby snuggle acts. She lifts Baby J high above her head and then, lowering him slightly to face level, does the motorboat on his belly. Baby J giggles gleefully at this maneuver while post-shower Mama comes to the slow realization that she is rubbing her just-bathed face and hair in her son's urine-soaked onesie. (hyphens anyone?) It seems nearly impossible to escape baby/toddler output these days. Too bad Papa A didn't post anything about the morning he got smeared in poo poo just before work, because then there would be a pretty cool link right here.


The Duecks said...

As I read your hysterical words, I think to myself, "how did he know all of the details in my life? He's magic." And then I realized we are all going through the same madness. I too am so sick & have sympathy for you all (fevers & long hot showers and getting covered in poop & urine are current day-to-day events for me). Thanks for the laugh, Sam, and send my love to that sick little wifey of yours.

The Duecks said...


Zatoichi said...

Almost five years of marriage and we write similarly enough that Janine thinks we are the same person... I guess it's a compliment because that's a funny post by Amy. Also, sadly, a true story. All of it. I had poo from my hip to my knee. Man-sized poo. With bits of flair in it. Who gave him confetti to eat?

The Duecks said...

you had me at confetti.....and poo...and bits.