Saturday, December 18, 2010

Thank you, SWH

There is this "friend" of mine on Facebook who is really more of an idol. She is an artist whom I admire greatly and when I asked to be her friend, she accepted. Today, as I was browsing her page to view a recent sculpture of hers, I came across this quote:

" Even after all this time
The sun never says to the earth, "You owe me."
Look what happens with a love like that —It lights the whole sky.

~ Hafiz

I feel like this is an apt description of the love of a parent. Not necessarily a new parent like me, but a parent who has worked and sacrificed for years and years to help his or her child survive, develop, learn and flourish. I am only now realizing the difficult job that is parenthood. That my mom and dad never told me how hard it was (and I know I was a handful at times!) reveals how gracious and selfless that love can be.

1 comment:

Neko said...

so beautiful