Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Dialogue I Overheard

A: If you eat all your dinner you can watch an episode of Muppets.

B: No. I want to watch Polar Express [pronounced Poelick Ickspress].

A: No, you can watch Muppets. Polar Express has been put away for the season.

B: Where did it go? Who took it? Where did you send it?

A: Santa took it.

B: Oh. [Beat.] Is he going to bring it back?


Amy Keenan Amago said...

Jeez, dude. This makes me sounds so mean!
(Dear Reader: I am not a mean mom. Usually. Like, almost never.)

Neko said...

Sounds like it's Santa who is the mean one.

Amy Keenan Amago said...
