Monday, September 18, 2006

City Review: Estepona

Our faithful readers will no doubt have noticed that we have not posted much lately. Well, the reason is simple enough: we were in Estepona, a formerly quaint but still cute Andalusian beach town wedged between Marbella and Algeciras. A former professor of S'’s from Exeter invited us down for a four day visit. On Tuesday morning we got up at 6:00 and took a short ride on the Metro to the Estacion del Sur located at the Mendez Alvaro stop. We boarded our bus, run by the friendly staff of Daibus, and seven hours later we were there. On the way we got to see two American films that we missed when we lived in the US: Steve Wang's Ride, starring Kadeem Hardison (yes, that's Dwayne Wayne!) and Jean-Claude Van Damm's directorial debut, The Quest. The neat thing about both movies is that they seemed to improve after Spanish dubbing.

Alex was at the station to greet us and he had a cold lunch (gambas, embutido, tortilla) waiting for us when we got to his place (he lives about 5 minutes from the bus station). After lunch we took a walk around Estepona and admired the docks and beaches.

On Wednesday we took it easy in the morning: we went to the mercadillo (Alex bought a pair of pants, a belt and a vase but we didnÂ’t buy anything) and then we lunched in the Plaza de las Flores in Estepona. We had seafood paella, which was absolutely delicious but a little too salty for my taste. That afternoon we swam in the Mediterranean in our bathing costumes.

On Thursday and Friday we enjoyed a lot of regional tourism in the mountains north of the Costa del Sol. We visited Ronda, which is one of the South's famed pueblos blancos, and Arcos de la Frontera, another pueblo perched atop cliffs, and, like Ronda, settled by Moors then 'reconquered' by the Catholics.

Our host drove us through one of Spain's Parques Naturales and we saw bulls lazily lolling about in the grass amid the cork trees, which had just been stripped of their bark by roving bands of cork farmers. We also drove to the southern most tip of Europe where we stopped at a vista to peer out across the Straits of Gibraltar to Africa, only 14 kilometers away. Every day we ate delicious seafood and drank a lot of good wine. Of particular interest to our gourmet readership were the fried boquerones, puntillitas and calamares that we had on our first and last evenings in Estepona. Oh, how we love you delicious tentacled invertebrates!

In tomorrow's post: the lizard that watched our apartment while we were gone.


Malagueno said...

¡Hay que ver! Los americanos sois bastante ingenuos a veces. Y quizás un poco antipáticos.

Conque ¿demasiado salada, la paella? Por lo que se ve, 4 días en casa del Profesor Alex, con visitas guiadas, coche y chófer incluidos, y comiendo en restauranes. Y todo esto, ¿quién lo pagó? Pero el único comentario es que tiene mucha sal la paella.

A ver si le dais las gracias al pobre Profesor Alex que os aguantó sin quejarse.

Amy Keenan Amago said...

Invitamos a nuestro lector anónimo a que se quede en su rinconcito de la red y que se resista a criticar a los demás hasta que no se atreva a publicar algo suyo. Es muy fácil comentar los blogs personales ajenos, pero suponemos que le resultará al chaval bastante difícil escribir algo original con sentido del humor para sus propios amigos y familiares, ¿no?

La verdad es que nos dejan un mal saborcillo en la boca estas críticas xenófobas e ingenuas. Mucho peor que esa paella salada que comimos aquel lejano día de setiembre. Ojalá pudiéramos escribir oraciones como las suyas, que empiezan con “Los americanos sois…” o “Los españoles sois…” o “Los latinoamericanos sois…” pero no podemos. Es demasiado fácil, amigos.

Pues, para que quede claro a nuestros lectores accidentales que a lo mejor carezcan del aparato lingüístico y literario para entender las sutilezas de los blogs amagomundianos: Lo pasamos pipa con el profesor Alex y esperamos poder devolverle el favor algún día, o durante su próximo viaje a nuestro Madrid natal o cuando nos viene a visitar a los EEUU.

Y concluyamos pues: Si no le gusta nuestro blog (neologismo inglés, ¿no es cierto?), que lea El mundo online. Y punto.

¡Y ahora venga! ¡A borrar los comentarios escritos con tinta impregnada de mala leche!