Saturday, February 23, 2008

Green Stuff

Some of you baby-havers out there are probably asking yourselves, “How do I get my baby to eat green vegetables that aren’t avocados?”

Well, we at the Amago Mundi labs have come up with a great recipe for getting our baby to eat peas. Here it is:

First of all, don’t force it.

Take some baby cereal—rice or oats will do—and mix it with breast milk or formula.

Then add a little bit of apple sauce.

Then take your nice homemade cooked and pureed peas and put almost none in the mix. If the mix looks green at all then there is too much pea paste in there.

Now you are ready to feed your baby. If he is anything like our baby, he will eat about half and then start gagging.

It’s now time to stop trying to get your baby to eat green things and move on to sweeter stuff like pure apple sauce, sweet potatoes, or anything else not green.

1 comment:

Dr. A said...

Huuh huuuh hhuhhh.
You said "pea paste".